Sunday, January 25, 2015

Space Coast! Part 2, Viera Wetlands

Later that day, Dave and walked around Viera Wetlands. Typcically, this birding loop is drivable. But, recent rain muddied the roads enough for the wetlands to be closed to cars (thankfully!). The walk combined the tranquility of walking in nature with the excitement of not knowing what you might see next. We chased a sparrow through the grass, searched (unsuccessfully) for the American Bittern that I watched land in the reeds, and waited for Glossy Ibises to cross the road before we continued on.

 From bottom left, going clockwise: Blue-winged Teal, Great Blue Heron, American Alligator, Northern Shrike, White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Green Heron (my personal fave), Sandhill Crane, and Common Moorhen

I consider the Green Heron, my gateway bird. While an undergrad, my bedroom window overlooked an area that a Green Heron spent most of it's summer. I was serenaded and have been birding as much as possible ever since. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Space Coast! Part 1, Merritt Island

The Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival in Titusville, FL is located right next Cape Canaveral (hence the name). The 18th Annual festival was held last weekend. Even though I have lived near Atlanta for over a decade, this was the first time I made the trek. In addition to the great birding Florida has to offer, the festival is chock full of insanely talented and friendly birders. (I suspect we will return.)

Our first morning, we birded Merritt Island with friends. Although windy, there we birds enough to keep a birder busy.

From bottom left, going clockwise: American Avocets in front of a gang of American Coots; a pale and our of focus Reddish Egret; the flock at the beginning of the birding loop (Roseate Spoonbills, White Ibis, Snowy Egret, Great Egret - not seen: Glossy Ibis, Wood Stork); Lesser Yellowlegs; Great Southern White Butterfly; and my posse for the morning - Michael, Louise, Glen and Dave

A Very Happy Follower

I would follow these folks anywhere. No joke.

Okay, maybe you can't really see who they are or why I'd follow them. Let me clarify. I snapped this shot from the back seat of the Cruz, where I am with car-mates and birding brothers, D & G, on our way to Merritt Island, FL. D&G have have been birding together for more than half of their lives. How cool is that? (I might be a little jealous.)

We three are following our friends and birding celebrities, to a birding hotspot. Why are they celebrities, you ask? Good question! They are celebrities because they have been on the forefront of all things birding for decades. They raise money for research, teach young budding birders, publish books, create breathtaking artwork and graciously teach something to everyone they come in contact with. In case you could not tell by now, they are my heroes. They have taught me so much and I am no where near done learning from them.

Do yourself a favor. Go birding. It makes life happy.